“Caro amico ti scrivo, così ti distraggo un po'” – Dear friend, I am writing to you, so I get distracted a bit – began a musical masterpiece by the late Lucio Dalla. I get distracted today, but what exactly?
From the concerns that plague a large country, like Italy! The world cradle of culture, tourism, excellent enlightened and creative minds, which the whole world envies us and tries to imitate.
Why, with all these excellent assumptions, do we have to worry?
Net of the terrible and still worrying evolution of the pandemic, Italy is in bad shape. The institutional and reassuring words of President Mattarella, in his speech at the end of the year, appreciable and always balanced, are no longer enough to guarantee due serenity to the Italian people.
The game is much more complex and for young people, who should take on the future, it risks becoming an endless ordeal.
Without the pretense of a perfect, profound and exhaustive analysis, in no particular order, here are the main critical issues, still unresolved, that affect the future:
1) obsolete and decaying infrastructures on a territory with chronic hydrogeological instability: the foreseen funds do not even cover 10% of what is actually necessary and, moreover, it would be of fundamental importance to have adequate governance for the management of the same;
2) employment and economic policy: the framework conditions in which companies operate are also overcome. The world has changed and globalization, which has been underway for some five years, has changed the rules of the game that the various governments have not yet been able to decline and decline in the Italian reality. It is time to remedy this, otherwise relocations will be more and more frequent and employment will become the problem of problems;
3) the younger generation: young people take the future, exhort the president! How can they do this if the conditions have not been created to guide their path? The data on youth unemployment are alarming. There is no real program to guarantee professional training courses, with the necessary incentives for companies to be able to carry them out. There is a lack of a strategy for professional training and post-academic integration which, among other things, could ensure both the generational transition and that relating to the know-how of the immense skills that Italian minds have shown to possess, at all times. world.
4) bureaucracy and fiscal policy: a sore point and, perhaps, too complex to be exposed briefly. It would take a full reset! Even this, however, would require a sea of resources to create a more equitable and incentive system to push the people, companies and investors to believe more in the Italian system and to behave correctly towards the public treasury, as required of each subject. responsible tax.
For reasons of space, I will not enter the economic and patrimonial analyzes, with particular reference to public debt, a real boulder that weighs on the Italian economic future.
If only for a moment, we could imagine achieving a realistic debt repayment, then we would be able to deliver to our children a financially healthy country ready for the delicate challenges that the world continues to show us in all their complexity.
President Mattarella concludes: “Forward with confidence”!
The Italian people have never lacked trust, but now, perhaps, the people need more and what they need can no longer be postponed! Otherwise, young people will accept the handover only with “the benefit of the inventory”!
I’m finishing writing and, from the radio I have in the background, Dalla’s song started, “Caro amico ti scrivo” – Dear friend, I’m writing to you -.
Or, better, today, “Dear Italy, I am writing to you …”!