Excellence New Year’s Eve in the sign of James Bond

During New Year’s Eve, the night of desires and new years resolutions, everything is different covered in magic. The storical salons of the Hotel Splendide Royal Lugano have been transformed in the cinematic set of 007, James Bond for the most special night of the year.

And so New Year’s Eve, signed Excellence, has made bullseye. Just as every shot of the agent of the secret intelligence service of his Majesty. An unforgettable party on the ritme of the Late Night Band that together with all the guests have welcomed the new year.

Licence to celebrate at the Splendide with the original Martini Vodka “shaken, not stirred” and floats of Champagne that have attended the gala diner and the dances till sunrise. And after midnight the tradition of zampone, cotechino and lentils couldn’t lack. A smile to good luck!

To toast with all the guests obviously Excellence Magazine couldn’t be else than be there and share the pleasure of excellence with thos who appreciate it. For 2016 Excellence has his agenda already full with special moments. This New Year’s toast has been only the beginning.

Excellence and the great EuroToques chefs at Excelsior Hotel Gallia

Excellence and the great EuroToques chefs at Excelsior Hotel Gallia

In the beautiful frame of the Excelsior Hotel Gallia, renewed by the Architect

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