The white dream becomes sustainable: a journey through the new trends in wedding dresses

Whether vintage, eco-sustainable, rented or reused, the real luxury for wedding dresses is being white with a green sou

The last few months, due to the lockdown and health emergency, have seen the dream of their big day go away for many couples.

For those who have not given up, however, opting for different choices, with intimate and collected ceremonies, has rediscovered multiple possibilities to have an eco-sustainable wedding dress without sacrificing the preciousness of the most important garment in every woman’s life.

The best example of a return to vintage and the choice of “reuse” came a few months ago when Princess Beatrice, for her wedding in 2020, chose to borrow a 1960s dress that belonged to her grandmother, the Queen Elizabeth.

abito da sposa vintage principessa Beatrice

The data also speak for themselves: according to a study conducted by Lyst, the new trend for wedding dresses falls on vintage.

The choice of a “second-hand” suit, obviously remaining in the high fashion field, has increased by as much as 297%; trend closely followed by upcycling (a sort of “improved recovery”: starting from old clothes or leftover fabrics from previous collections to give new life to the garment) to rental. The new fashion-conscious brides do not give up on luxury but choose the new glamor: attention to the environment.

There is no shortage of high fashion brands that have chosen to fully embrace the new bridal trend: Stella Mc Cartney and Gabriela Hearst have always been at the forefront of finding high fashion solutions with a strong green message. Other luxury brands have decided to create more casual but equally sustainable wedding dresses: Mother of Pearl stands out among all.

abito sposa sostenibile Pearly-Whites

Being a sustainable bride also means finding creative solutions to one of the most particular characteristics of the wedding dress: it is used only once. Cecilie Bahnsen’s Encore collection focuses on haute couture garments that, created with waste fabrics, can give life to a glamorous bride but with a dress that can be reused on multiple occasions.

Whether vintage, eco-sustainable, rented or reused, the real luxury for wedding dresses is being white with a green soul.” width=”1024″ height=”1024″ />

Anche i dati parlano chiaro: secondo uno studio condotto da Lyst, la nuova tendenza per gli abiti da sposa ricade sul vintage. La scelta di un abito “di seconda mano”, ovviamente rimanendo nell’ambito dell’alta moda, è aumentata addirittura del 297%; tendenza seguita a ruota dall’upcycling (una sorte di “recupero migliorativo”: si parte da vecchi abiti o tessuti avanzati dalle precedenti collezioni per dare nuova vita al capo) al noleggio. Le nuove spose attente alla moda non rinunciano al lusso ma scelgono il nuovo glamour: l’attenzione all’ambiente.

Non mancano i brand d’alta moda che hanno scelto di abbracciare in pieno la nuova tendenza sposa: Stella Mc Cartney e Gabriela Hearst sono da sempre in prima fila per trovare soluzioni d’alta moda con un forte messaggio green. Altri brand luxury hanno deciso di creare abiti da sposa più casual ma altrettanto sostenibili: spicca tra tutti Mother of Pearl.

abito sposa sostenibile Pearly-Whites

Essere una sposa sostenibile significa anche trovare soluzioni creative ad una delle caratteristiche più particolari dell’abito da sposa: si usa una sola volta. La collezione Encore di Cecilie Bahnsen punta tutto su capi d’alta moda che, creati con tessuti di scarto, possano dar vita ad una sposa glamour ma con un abito che potrà essere riutilizzato in molteplici occasioni.

Che sia vintage, ecosostenibile, noleggiato o riutilizzato, il vero lusso per gli abiti da sposa è essere bianchi con un’anima green.

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