Is It You? A Faceless Collection of Modern Art Paintings

Born in Italy, but currently living and exposing his artwork in Berlin, La Fauci accurately named his latest contemporary painting collection of Is It You? a title that was perfectly given since the women portrayed in the artist’s canvas art don’t have faces
Is it you?

Born in Italy, but currently living and exposing his artwork in Berlin, La Fauci accurately named his latest contemporary painting collection of Is It You? a title that was perfectly given since the women portrayed in the artist’s canvas art don’t have faces.

Is It You? A Faceless Collection of Modern Art
Is it you?

We were very impressed by these modern art paintings, made by an extremely thick layer of ceramic and acrylic modeling paste. The series aims to follow the contemporary artist‘s love for surrealism and abstraction, ambiguity and transformation.

Is It You? is a very suggestive collection, which kind of hints to women’s need for recognition in order for self-love, approval, and disconnection from a world saturated with “pretty images”.

Is It You? A Faceless Collection of Modern Art
Is it you?

In each version of these ten modern art paintings, each figure is clearly human, painted in some very classical portray-like positions, such as arms folded, looking over the shoulder, sitting on an armchair, or turned towards a distant point. Are they trying to reach perfection? Well, they clearly can’t in these modern paintings with their faces blurred and that’s the point, there is no such thing as that.

Is It You? A Faceless Collection of Modern Art
Is it you?

Some women were pictured in a more fluid position, either making hand gestures or standing with hands on the hips. In this form of contemporary art, the center of attention is clearly their faces! Something that truly leaves one wondering of why Fabio La Fauci did that.

Is It You? A Faceless Collection of Modern Art
Is it you?

The women have no expression, you cannot read their emotions or thoughts, they were covered by a fleshy-pink blob of paint mixed with the tones of red and white. In these modern art paintings, the artist rounded the head perfectly to give it a sensation of reality.

Each abstract painting is rigorous in proportions and form, so the entire final product is a merge between reality and the artist’s subconscious, from his most hidden fears and emotions.

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