Could you briefly tell us about your gallery and work?
Both established in 2005, Fondazione Forma and Contrasto Galleria focus exclusively on photography and host exhibitions and works by the major Italian and international artists, as well as emerging talents.
How are Fondazione Forma and Contrasto Galleria promoting their artists?
In order to give our artists exposure, we hold exhibitions, attend international shows in the field, publish monographs and arrange meetings between the photographers and the public.
What resources are available today to engage the target audience?
Besides traditional channels like the press, radio and so on, we reach our audience by planning meet-ups with the artists, taking part in trade fairs and communicating via websites and social media.
Of all the authors you’ve covered along the years, who’s been the most appreciated?
As to the Italian artists, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Mario Giacomelli and Marco Gualazzini; among international artists, Sebastião Salgado, Vivian Maier, Richard Avedon and Elliott Erwitt.
How do you see the art market today in Italy and particularly in Milan?
The collectors’ interest in photography is growing, although sales have been suffering from the uncertain economic and political situation.
Milano Gallery Weekend: which opportunities can stem from events of this kind and which instruments can public institutions use to support these initiatives?
Communication synergies and an online presence can help any gallery broaden their specific target audience and create an overall successful trend. If institutions were more attentive to urban communication (billboards, etc.), they could further support such events.
Milano Gallery Weekend: which opportunities can stem from events of this kind and how are you joining?
We hope to increase our visitor influx and consequently find new prospective collectors and connections.
In particular, we’re setting up two exhibitions at our Milan premises in Via Meravigli 5: the Fondazione Forma Meravigli will host “Davanti a una guerra” (Before A War), featuring photos by Alessio Romenzi and Emanuele Satolli, while Contrasto Galleria will present “Sguardi (Dinamiche del volto)” [Looks (Dynamics of the Face)], a collective exhibition centered on portraits with works by Bill Armstrong, Richard Avedon, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Piergiorgio Branzi, Elliott Erwitt, Federico Garolla, Marco Gualazzini, Sebastião Salgado, Martin Schoeller and Janet Sternburg.