Andrea Bocelli in concert at the “Teatro del Silenzio” in Lajatico

Teatro del silenzio Mariposa Bocelli

On stage art with Mariposa de la Vida, dresses by Eleonora Lastrucci.

The Teatro del Silenzio is a natural amphitheater set in the beautiful setting of the hills of Lajatico, Tuscany, created at the behest of Architect Alberto Bartalini and Master Andrea Bocelli.

Master Andrea Bocelli was joined on stage by Italian and international artists: singer Emma Marrone, singer-songwriter Giovanni Caccamo, baritone Luca Micheletti, Sara Cortolezzis and Loren Allred, and the “Luigi Boccherini” Conservatory symphony orchestra conducted by Maestro Carlo Bernini.

International fashion designer Eleonora Lastrucci brought to the stage dresses of timeless elegance, made for the occasion for Loren Allred and Sara Cortolezzis, who performed on stage with Master Bocelli.
Dresses from silver to cobalt blue, to antique blue: unique, regal, for true Queens! The precious jewels are from Cornier1757.

Each year the extraordinary show draws spectators from four continents and the partnership between the Teatro del Silenzio and the Contini Art Gallery of Venice and Cortina is an adventure begun in 2021 with Manolo Valdés and continued last year with Korean Park Eun Sun; for this edition, indeed, the tenor’s performance will dialogue with the work of internationally renowned sculptor Pablo Atchugarry.

The stage will be dominated by “Mariposa de la Vida“, a refined steel sculpture by the Uruguayan artist, with taut, elongated forms whose surface reflects its surroundings in an iridescent blend of work and landscape.

The choreography by Alessandra Panzavolta and some of the stage costumes were made with the help of Hera Group’s Scart project.

Ph credit:
John Daniotti
Lorenzo Montanelli
Luca Rossetti

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